Payment Service Providers

Expand your payment capabilities and get access to insightful real-time data that can help to engage with your merchants on the next level.

Offer your merchants more of what they need

As customer-facing products continue to evolve, demands of your merchants also expand. Paynt has a deep suite of off-the-shelf payments solutions giving you the ability to enhance your offering. 

We know one size doesn’t fit all so you can choose the tools that are right for you and will help to increase customer retention, as well as revenue:

  • access to the extensive network of card schemes;
  • cross-border payment acceptance;
  • popular payment methods and third party plugins;
  • insightful performance reports and in-depth transaction data; 
  • user-friendly web portal with access to valuable information.
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Integrate new solutions with ease

It is important to have a flexible partner who understands your needs, the needs of your customers and provides easy to use solutions. We offer you to choose how to interact with us – through front end interface or using our extensive APIs library. Paynt’s developers and technical support team will be there for you throughout the process of integrating our tech with your existing systems, allowing you to launch new solutions to the market faster and smoother.

Discover the power of real-time data

Insightful reports are an invaluable asset when it comes to making smart and timely decisions. With Paynt you and your customers get access to real-time data enabling better visibility of business performance:

  • revenue on a granular level by currency, product, payment type or location; 
  • in-depth view of transactions and chargebacks;
  • fraud monitoring data for risk mitigation.

And through the use of our data APIs you can deliver tailored reports matched to your and your merchant needs.

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